Thursday, May 2, 2013

Little black ants will make your life miserable

Ants Ruin More Than a Picnic in Bellevue, Washington

Eastside pest control Exterminators Offer Protection Against Ants


Bellevue, May 1, 2013 – Ants just don't ruin a picnic. They can infest your home and contaminate your food. Like termites, ants can compromise the wood in your home leading to structural damage.  They can also bite humans. Seattle pest exterminators  are sharing information and tips to help Bellevue homeowners with ants.
The ant video show you how you can find the ants before they get in your home or building


Ants have trails between their nests and food storage areas. If a homeowner spots little black ants marching along near cabinets or along floorboards, it's likely a nest is near.  Ants come from outside nests, and can make their homes indoors, particularly if the wood is moist or rotting due to a water a leak in the home.  When spotting ant trails, be vigilant on cleaning your floors and counters thoroughly. Wipe all traces of food residue down with a strong cleaning solution, sweep and vacuum floors regularly. However, if the infestation is severe, property ant removal involves calling a pest exterminator for proper carpenter ant control. Ants can nest inside walls, in window casements, under flooring, and in basements. A Seattle ants control specialist can help readily identify these spots of entry and help remove the ants in a safe and non-toxic way.


Some homeowners would like to rid a home of ants using store-bought solutions.  Most sprays and baits for ant removal do not work. These sprays can also contain harmful chemicals, plus the treatments will only keep ants away temporarily. Once the spraying is halted, the ants may return and only a pest exterminator can rid the house of ants.  Baits are also a temporary solution. Real ant removal is best done by a professional.


To prevent ants from infiltrating a home, do a check of the home once each year during the warm months, at three points of day: morning, afternoon, evening. If ants are spotted moving in a trail in or out of the home, take precautions.  Clean kitchens and cabinets thoroughly. Ants are often spotted around dishwashers, sinks and shower areas, so scrub around those areas well.  Be careful of stacking firewood against the house, as it leads a direct The most thorough check of a home is performed by a professional pest exterminator who can search out the spots where ants may nest.   Eastside pest control Exterminators are ant control professionals and get rid of ants in a healthy and efficient way. to learn more how to avoid attracting ants during these warmer months.